for the haters please stand up

Poem again lol


I love my life and walk it

Live well until I heard the bell ring

Ain't no sting of any flesh that can catch this

RIP Christina Grimmie♡ 

Like a semi you hit us love

The love of God

So your heart was good 

But your soul is at home

And for all I known is there as well 

I will meet and see our Father God

LOL to haters you just don't get it

But I don't expect it

I know I'm reckless

My message I sure not mention 

Because I need an inervention cause I speak like a christian 

My doctrine and my views make me sound like a hypocrite 

My decision I chose makes me feel no sight more light

Soul flying higher and beyond a kite

Told hater on skype

Grew angry like Satan's will

Who's love is greater than my Father's 

I heard a wallow and no answer

Advanced spiritual 

Can't get better than my memories

Memories of great thoughts

To sell my soul short never

But something better

I measured the love and faith

I deal I would not escape

Profess all day everyday

No one can make me feel the way my Father does 

Knowing there is trust and love and all thee above

I feel this is truly home.

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