Feelings for well being being even when it's good it's like achieving but when it's bad it's like so close to heart that's leaving a needing call feeling. Not dealing with looking up at the ceiling thinking of hurting and stealing someone meaning in life. Feeling that we develop these inside of us it builds the trust it build joy it create loyalty it feel like royalty. My feet are off the ground cause of the feeling. I look down no more but I look at you and feel happy but so I'm construed and yet so blue why do I deserve you because everyone treat me different in my opinion. Feeling what an emotion. It can be calm as the ocean or erupt like a volcano even hail violently like the stormy rain. It infect brain from your whole body to your heart and it a damage risk to becoming a scar. Each battle scar can either hurt you or make you stronger it depend on how you use it and approve it. Trust me I know it is a war that is not easily won so of course it is not fun if you ask me I think it's dumb. Feeling, be careful because your feeling become you more then you being yourself ^_^.