Prostitute 7

I live up to my expectations

I do as I see fit

I will not let anyone stop me

from doing as I please.

I hate that she has the life

I've always wanted

The wealth, the love, the beauty...

She has everything!

I hate her.

I envy her.

Everybody could all go to hell!

Burn in it for all I care

Because God is punishing me

He made her the beautiful swan

and me, the ugly duckling

And they give her all the attention...

He hates me.

He took away everything

That mattered to me in life.

It isn't faaaaaaaaaaiiir!

Why do you give her all the blessings

and give me nothing?

I should've had her life

It should've been mine.

And now because of you,

I can only turn to men

to give me the love, the food,

the wealth, sex and attention

I deserve.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was inspired to write this poem when I learned more about the 7 Deadly Sins. Also, when I read some other girl's poem on this site, it made me think, hmm... maybe I should write about this too and tell it from a jealous girl-turned- prostitute's point of view.. And yes, in case you're wondering, I also got the idea when I watched America's Top Model. They did poses on the Deadly 7 and it made me wanna know more. Try to find the 7 Deadly Sins in this poem and I'll tell you if you are correct!

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