The teeth you wear is a crown.
Hidden behind that smile is a mouth full of nothing.
And those contacts you wear
Shame your eyes.
Why do you color them falsely?
I know why.
Because you are a pathological liar.
Everything you've told me is a lie.
From the moment you were born,
you fibbed.
White lies and black lies.
They're all the same.
Why must you be so monochromatic?
I've never met someone whose grandmother died that many times
or whose pet needed to be taken to a vet every single day.
Imaginary, I presume?
Why don't you just be upfront about it
Tell me what is going on.
I'd rather take a beating than put up with any more of your crap.
It's tiring to listen to.
I'm sick of it, I tell you- SICK!
Your words are much colder than ice.
I freeze the instant you stand near me.
Like a loophole on the bulkier side of the needle,
Your lies floss through my ears
Just as floss does through teeth.
Then you grit.
All I hear is that loud grinding noise
Scathing in my head, beating at my drums, scratching my ears.
Just noise.
Why must you lie simutaneously?
Or is it actually me lying to you?