I live with a little devil
Innocent she appears to be
But an evil demon on the inside
An angel she masquerades.
Her friend, a dog named Mimi
Black is what she seems
On the inside, though, a heart of snow
'Pure' is her middle name.
Now back to this dog named Chrissy
What's on her agenda today?
Rip up stuff,
Play a little rough,
Or run faaaar away?
A rubber slipper gone missing
I knew I left it there
Underneath my bed
I found her little head
Ripping my slipper away.
Now, the little angel named Mimi
As a friend she was to Christmas,
Tried to cover up
For the friend who bluffed
And put her paws before my way.
But I knew it wasn't Mimi
For I saw it with my eyes
What this little dog did
I'll never forgive
Chrissy gone awry.