The Second Amendment Is Not Sacred Or Unassailable

American society must unite to demand legislative alteration to the Second Amendment such that assault weapons shall not longer be available to civilian acquisition and ownership; restricting the use of these weapons only to military and police personnel in the pursuit of their official duties.

Legislators who refuse to assist with and cooperate in this alteration must be removed from office and replaced by responsible public servants who are amenable to it.

Acquisition and possession of these weapons, as well as their provision by suppliers, must be criminalized with the severest penalties and entirely without possibility of clemency or judicial appeal.  

How many more children will be slain so that some clodhopper may feel like a "big man," or be reassured of his masculinity, through the possession of one of these heinous weapons of assault?  The Second Amendment is not sacred; the right to possess a weapon of assault was not given by, and is most likely not pleasing, to God Almighty.


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