Now I Can Play Euchre Again

I stopped playing Euchre in November 2016.

In 1994, after I became a Baptist Christian, we were told by other members of our congregation that Euchre was the "national" pasttime of the Baptist Church.

We played the game frequently with another couple with whom we often worshipped.  The friendship failed, however, when they took offense to our disappointment with the results of the election of November 2016.  Even that early, the presidency of that man whom the Electoral College chose over the will of the American People was divisive.

I stopped playing the game because I refused to declare, or inquire, what was trump . . . on the card table, not the seat of the government, which, under that man's administration, became the seat of an overfilled outhouse, not the White House.

Now I can easily declare, or inquire, what is trump.  

Of course, as my table luck goes, the Bauers always end up in the Cat's Hand.  I suppose this has not changed.

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