From The XLIX Tales: The Disbeliever's Ultimate Disposition

The disbeliever stood at the entrance gate to Hell.

Having arrived there after judgement, he felt his pride swell.

He said, I have kept faith with myself and my contempt and disdain

for the Gospel of Christ, and I shall not submit to His reign.

In His Grace I shall not believe, and shall not live in compliance

to his Laws of Love---that is my own triumphant defiance.

But the gatekeeper glared at him with a horrific sneer

and said, You have been expected, the great Fool of all fools:

the vastness of your personal eternity

will be dense (like a darkened star is dense) with untold agony.

The disbeliever replied---My choise was well considered, no mere whim.

I foreswore Christ, and shall never live in submission to Him.

The gatekeeper said, Before you enter your suffering and agonize,

let me tell you this fact which may come to you as a ghastly surprise:

although this is the region of hell, a place rather extraordinary,

Christ the Regnant Lord and Messiah still governs and rules

in this place, and has made it a colonial subsidiary,

totally obedient to Him---He just does not dwell here.

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