Footnote: Two Intimate Tanka. 2 [ /;\ ]


His boyfriend left his

shoes in their car; and, on the

floor---by their bed---his

clothes:  but not his semi-sheer

socks, not until after love.


Through the semi-sheer

socks his boyfriend wore during

love, fragrance and

flavor delighted him; and,

on his face, softness and warmth.


His surging sweetness,

e'lated at his boyfriend's socks,

glistened like streaks of

iridescence across a

sable fabric---outer space.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

They tell me that, in a sequence of Tanka that is proper to ancient tradition, each Tanka must be able to stand alone as an independent unit.  I believe these three comply with that, and yet are able to convey a coherent story and effect.

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