The Fomalhaut Distortions

[In memory of Robert Aickman, writer of "strange stories," and

rbadac, reviewer of and commentator on many ghost stories]

The differences defy reasoned proportions:

two eyes that peer from two-lensed spectacles;

two arms and legs---no more---articulate

a highly limited range of motion;

jaws masticate, rather than fangs that suck;

box lunches handed out in dining halls,

rather than prey contained in woven shrounds,

enjoyed in chambers hung with glistening silk.

Where are the spiral webs, anchored upon

great continental mountain chains, wet with

drew droplets shimmering in three stars' light?

These bipedal upright among which we

dwell are not even worthwhile enemies.

And in this slum we must pass our exile,


and suffer here the Fomalhaut distortions?


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