Lesson Plan Submitted By One Of Our Ablest Educators, A Formidable Scholar

Some of us do appreciate science fiction, and

those who have not accepted it must learn

immediately to do so.  Carefully study

all varieties, all styles, all formats, and

all of the ideas it can convey.  Collect as

much as you can; collate it, with indeces and

coordinated cross references.  Wring from it

every bit of meaning you can gather:  no

vision is too vast, and no nuance is too

small.  Be cognizant of both its edgy

contours and all of its central subjects.

Teach it to the youngsters---make sure

they have their own copies, and encourage

them to highlight and annotate their own

observations in the margins.  We, the

professional educators, have too long

ignored, refused, and disparaged the

truth of science fiction.  The fiction

is only in the circumstances with which

each example is decorated.  The science is the

knowledge of Earth that these volumes offer,

proving that we cannot permit this species---

that calls itself Humanity---

any emergence from its own planet in

order to spread its own chaotic instablity

across this, or any other, galaxy.


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