Surely, You Must Feel Some Aggravation; To A Dilletante In The Fine Arts

Surely, you must feel some aggravation;

or short of that, some inchoate frustration

that what, in you, passes for inspiration

becomes only an awkward imitation.

Your fierce ferocity is like a ferret's;

but is expressed only n squawks, like parrots';

Beyond your art's reach, even parody

becomes, in you, just more inanity.

Perspective, color palette, and dimensions

clash in the zaniest of your pretensions.

Like most of us, you---often---make a wrash

and always very ill-informed decision

to demonstrate your envious ambition

with yet another glimpse of your soul's trash.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is the only response to Art Appreciation 101 (For Non-Majors) that I can remember from my undergrad years.

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