Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; Some Roman Clerk, Cleaning Up A Mess In Alexandria

Octavian believes he is supreme among the superiors;

and those like me, who serve him, are merely inferiors;

and from us, he is adamant to keep aloof.

But his attention to the smaller details

is not always efficient, and sometimes it fails.

Cleaning up his very often shoddy

and shabby results, tying up all the lose ends,

(so that he can strut about on History's stage

to the applause and adulation of his many friends)

has earned me choicest rewards, and a fairly good wage.

But consider this example---it is an excellent one:

since the murder of that beautiful adolescent,

the last of the Ptolemies, Pharaoh Caesarion,

why has no one, since then, seen the body?

Where was it entombed (or disposed of)?  Where has it gone?

And why does Octavian's demurer seem so evanescent?



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have stated elsewhere what, I think, became of Caesarion; and what his subsequent role in History might have been.  Consult Matthew 2:2.

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