Gaijin, you sour, superfluous
poorly aging, decanted old man:
pathos is the only effect you can
confidently exploit and command;
as you stagger across the surface of asphalt.
You are your shriveled soul's pwn debilitating cult.
With his ever tumbling stone, Sisyphus
is not as silly your penchant
for tossing that vulcanized ball
against an ever more agile wall.
For such percussive resistance, you are never quite prepared
as the lolling backhands of ungeared clocks
measure away your life's remaining span
(to this task, most dedicated and trenchant).
The shallowness of your verbal bluffs
becomes incredibly tedious
in the almost infinitely numerous
set of your mechanized repititions,
constructed on false premises and imprecisions
of your elaborate prevarication.
You shall never have the vision, much less the inspiration,
that must precede even the briefiest glimpse or visitation
of provocative beauty---shirtless and longhaired,
clad in baggy, tan cargos and (beneath frayed tattered cuffs)
heavily grass-stained, but casually comfortable, white socks.