@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; The Poet And The ChoirBoy

[in memory of John Edleston, 1790-1811]

Whenever he looks at you, in that way

(brief glances or long gazes through the day

and night), the Poet's fierce appreciation

reaches through your flesh right into your soul,

and makes you feel entirely beautiful.

Soe mincing old prude shrieks shrill profanation;

the prejudiced hater curses and mocks;

but, John, do not give any heed to them.

Sing, in the chapel, that high melody;

give, to this new affection, the sweet voice.

Sing:  "Love is need, privilege, and obligation---

"to love and be loved---not just some mere choice."

And, underneath, your pants' cuffs and robe's hem,

your unshod, somewhat grass-stained, fawn- gray socks

attract his subtle notice quietly.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

John Edleston was loved by the British Poet, Lord Byron.

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