More Murders By Weapons Of Assault

More murders by a weapon of assault---

and this is the God-damned second amenders' fault:    [*]

they say "guns don't kill people, people do."  True?  Sure?

But without assault weapons, the murders would be fewer.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

* I use the curse-word term as a theological term, not as a profanity.  Those who manufacture such weapons and provide them to those persons not regulated---that is, persons who are not sworn law enforcement officers or military personnel---are, in my opinion and hope, damnable.  The problem with second amenders is they do not read the full language of the Amendment---the emphasis on a well regulated militia.  The assaults upon unarmed persons by these "members" of a militia prove that the militia is not well regulated.  Their assault upon the Capitol, in January of this year, demonstrate the lack of regulation.  Congress and the States must enact legislation to enforce the "Regulatio" called by the Amendment.  Just as the possession of fissionable material is regulated by the Government for our protection, so these assault weapons must also be limited in their distribution and availablity.

The rhyme in the last two lines may seem a little forced; but the content of the poem is, in this case, more important than its verbal delivery.

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