Yet [*/+/^] : Zealous To Compose My Epitaph [Repost]

 . . . dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

---Colossians 3:3


"O mihi tum quam molliter ossa quiescant.

vestra mios olam si fistula dicat amores!"

---Vergil, The Eclogues, X


Although the world and the flesh gave me birth,

I was called by Christ, the Bright and Morning Star,

to be saved by Grace through Faith; then, He led me,

to the joy of assured salvation.

I will someday depart, Heavenward, to Him:

despite my many flaws and deep perfidy,

Redeemed by God's almighty Son,

To Christ's Heavenly Kingdom, starward, I shall soar,

redeemed to the privilege of being a Christian---

but a most unworthy one,

having returned at the eleventh hour.

I am the most minor of minor internet poets;

my poems witness to the Gospel

and have praised the abundancy of

mercificul Grace,

while singing, in jubilation

the cosmos, the stars, and the elegance of exquisite Love.


Starwardized, an Orthodox Christian


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