@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Reply To A Brief Sample Of Cho Ki-chon's Bolshevik Poem, "Mount Paektu"

They, of whom I speak, number more than before Stonewall,

but not as many as they will be any time in the near future.

Their bodies are the same, anatomically; but

their souls are so exquisitely individuated---like

sky's stars, all differentiated yet all the same.

But, unlike you and your cronies, Comrade Cho,

these---who are recalled in this poem---will not

attempt to suppress God, dissent, or uncensored news;

they will not raise a tower of abrasive concrete

buttressed by the cold steel of precisely fabricated beams.

Lines they establish will tend toward Poetry;

not to the assembling of bits, bores and barrels in some factory.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

For those who struggle against the repression that forbids them to love, and to be loved, according to their given natures' need and desires, and not according to a statutory or legislated pattern.

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