To The *Homophobes* Of Laramie, Wyoming

You shout the praises of that book (until you are out of breath),

the book that accuses Matt of trafficking in crystal meth.

Somehow such a bromide soothes your damnably twisted souls

and comforts all you spiritually constipated assholes.

Does that make you less culpable for the brutal torture and death

(inflicted just for the "good ol' downhome" fun of it)?

No, at the judgment, God Himself will have none of it.

And you will reap (I pray) the fullest penalty---

searing in Hell, without relief or hope of clemency,

suffering the relentlessly most extreme agony

for the action, and the hatred, that confirm your animality,

and your smug and prideful cling to your immorality.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is the expression of an enraged personal opinion.  It is addressed only to the homophobes of that location.

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