Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; *And Be Killed, And Be Raised Again The Third*

[after Matthew 16:21]

". . . And be killed, and be raised again the third

day."  That is what He told us, what we heard

from His own mouth, given to our own ears.

We saw Him crucified:  He suffered, bled,

and bore that torture until His last breath,

when He gave Himself, on that cross, to death.

We watched as His corpse was placed in that tomb---

that final horror that thrives on our fears,

the ultimate terror that we all dread.

Oh yes, we mourned him, wailing with hot tears.

Before the week's first dawn, as night gave way

to dawn's refreshing pink streaks through the gloom

He rose to life, and had some more to say

to us about that.  We were glad to hear . . . .



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Although the words of this poem could be spoken by any witness to Christ's Resurrection, the Apostle Saint Matthew was in my mind, largely because the quotation in the first and second lines comes from his Gospel.

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