Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; To Saint Neaniskos, 2, Early On Easter Morning

[after Mark 16:1-8]

You were the first to visit Jesus' tomb;

thet massive stone had already been put

aside.  You entered, clad in your new robe of white;

and, standing on that holy floor, barefoot.

Jesus had left.  The first, pink light of day  

began to dissipate the sorrow gloom

that had occluded and haunted last night. 

Soon, several women, bearing myrhh, drew near;

and seeing you---seated within---took fright.

You told them, as one happy to believe,

that Jesus had arose, and was not here;

and that, assured of this, they should not fear,

but go to Peter and the other ten,

to tell them Christ had risen from the dead

and that they need no longer mourn no grieve.

They thought you were an angel (yes, the way  

your face and that long hair looked to them).  Then,

filled with amazmenent and no little dread, 

they turned back from the sepulcher and fled.





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