Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; The Finding Of A Minor Roman Magistrate

This case's facts are rather obvious---

before it comes to my court, and to me

(I shall never become a major judge;

that privilege will not be my destiny---

and I am too old to pout, or begrudge

my fate).  This man is not a Roman but a Greek;

an educated, eloquent physician;

and when I had the chance to hear him speak

I found no evidence for the suspicion

that he has perpetrated some sedition.

So enter in the record my decision

that sets him, Luke, at once at liberty,

and this young friend of his called Timothy:

men like them are not felonius.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was inspired by Hebrews 13:23, assuming that the Evangelist Saint Luke composed that epistle, sometime after the death of the Apostle Saint Paul. 

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