Herm, Heinie, Joachim, Ruddy, Wolf, And Smiley-Joe

Herm, Heinie, Joachim, Ruddy, Wolf, And Smiley Joe,

strode through our bleeding land as one ghostly projection

to inhabit the soul-less surge to insurrection . . .

on January sixth, of 'twenty-one, you know.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The names in the title belong to:  Goering, Himler, Von Ribbentrop, Hess, Hitler, and Doc Goebbels.  I believe that, on the metaphysical level, the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, was a diabolical offering to their sinister ghosts, and an imitation of their Beer Hall Putsch of November, 1923.

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