The Heavens declare the Glory of God . . .;
---Psalm 19:1
Unto Him that loved us . . .
---Revelation 1:5
I praise God for you, most Holy, heralding Star,
foremost phenomenon of Astronomy
(which is, itself, akin to measured Poetry),
I wonder, with awe, what you are,
and of what components you consisted.
Herod, and his priests and scribes, resisted
the message you delivered to the Earth
that Christ, the Messiah, had been given birth.
But the Starwatchers, who had received
your message, sought His presence in Bethlehem,
worshipping Him; and upon Him, they believed.
And so, as the Gospel declares, should we;
in spiritual fellowship, as brethren, with them;
whom we shall meet and join in Christ's eternity.