The Gospel Prayer that is, now, called The Lord's
is not (I believe) and has never been meant
to offer our "asks"; instead, its intent
is to bring our fallible wills into thankful accords
with His Glory, His Kingdom and its Power;
and from the insidious degradation
that seeks our souls' deaths (and separation
from God, which is the ultimate damnation).
But God is our strong and ever sheltering Tower,
wherein we find a welcoming Salvation.
Author's Notes/Comments:
A Biblical commentator (whose name, and whose book's title, I cannot now recall; having read it prior to 1996) once said that the prayer given by Jesus to his disciples as a model should not properly be called the Lord's Prayer, but the Disciple's Prayer (and I prefer to call it the Believer's Prayer). The prayer that can and should be considered, actually, as the Lord's Prayer is in chapter 17 of the Gospel of John..
The ninth line alludes to KJV Psalm 61:3.