+ 27.225 MHz: On Mark 10:45

All descended from Eve and Adam---each son and daugher---

have been abducted by sin's taint from each first breath;

and sin's abduction of our souls puts them to the enslavement of death;

But Christ, for our Salvation, died all of our deaths on the Cross;

achieving our spiritual liberation, and subjecting to unrecoverable loss

those two miscreants and former tyrants---Perfiy and Perdition:

by Christ destroyed, crushed, pulverized, and forever put out of commission.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I first realized that I wanted to be a Poet on Monday afternoon, October 13, 1975---a beautiful, sunlit day, tree foliage already flaunting their colors, from the limbs, or scattered all over our lawns.  I also knew, from that realization, that I wanted to write poems explicating Scripture verses or imaging their historical contexts.

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