+ 2ND POEMS: In The Sovereign Majesty Of Christ Is, And Ever Shall Be

In the sovereign majesty

of Christ, my Lord:  is and ever shall be

my soul's fullest, final, and ultimate exultation.


Jesus Christ is the Maker, the Bearer, and the Bestower of Salvation

uponi this chief (and first, and foremost) of sinners:  most unworthy me,

so much and well deserving of condemnation

for the numberless multitudes of my perfidy---

the depths of my pride, my lusts, and all of my petty rages;

a whole existence lived among cinders, cobwebs, and stubble.


Yet, upon His Throne, my Savior bids me to draw near it

in the Faith He has perfected; to find, there, help in time of trouble

(and He declares that I need not fear it).


There, with the undivided Trinity,

to Whom be glory:  the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

now and forever.




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