@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; To Reginald Brett, Second Viscount Esher

You published a small book entitled, Foam;

not many pages in length; and each poem

contained therein described exquisite pleasures

in delicate rhymes and iambic measures.

To fool the prejudiced society---

old prudes' and haters', their ranks steeped in perfidy---

naked feelings frolic in metonomy,

erotic metaphor and simile.

Landlocked, or with an outlet to the sea,

you always thought a certain kind of froth

as sweet as nectar from lavender flowers;

to which you pledged your most romantic troth,

and dedicated your sparse poetry

deployed with most affective verbal powers.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Admittedly, I have not read the Viscount's small book of poetry, of which preciously few copies were printed; I can only imagine the beauty---both of language and content---that it surely contains, as one of his chief professors at Eton, William Cory, was one of the most influential Poets in the Ionic or Uranian school within Victorian English literature.  I presume the title of the Viscount's book is, itself, deliciously metaphorical. ;)

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