Sonnet On The Star Of Bethlehem, A Brief Synopsis

The Star of Bethlehem was not a mere tour guide
or else the Wise Men would have passed Jerusalem;

rather it was a clock, to time their ride,
from East of Israel's borders to Bethlehem;

a clock it was, mysterious, known just to them;

or Herod would not have requested their return.

a mutual, and God-sent dream helped them discern
his purposes (I think they were far too excited

to have---not even briefly---soiled, sullied or slighted
their spiritual joy by going back as he invited).

Another route they took to their collegiate home,
this place of refuge for them, Romans, safe from Rome.

Prince; epic poet; love poem-writing politician:
they understood the Star with prophecy's precision.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

This sonnet is to establish the precedent of my original hypothesis, which will be further expanded in a longer poem, soon I hope.

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