My Serene Bliss

If you had a choice to make,
My bleak world you once coloured, or break
Would you rather choose the Dreams or Screams?
Or would you silently wither away,
Like a delicate petal on a dog day
Trying to cling on to the edge of our seams?
If you had a million bridges to burn,
Oh please, just to make this turn
Around, would you go ahead and widen the ridges?
Or would you weep precious dewdrops,
Into the Black Beneath till the clock stops
Till the stardusts settle, and my vacant heart ceases?
Would you either bloom all the flowers in the world, my love
And light up the stars in a single breath?  Or kiss
Me until the horizons of Beautiful Beyond seem so very close
Transcending into an ecstacy of my Serene Bliss?
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