"The Struggle and Strength"




In life, we face hard and difficult times,

We doubt ourselves and feel hurt inside.

Caring for others is like dancing. It’s not easy,

Sometimes, we get it wrong and fall apart.


We feel broken and lost,

Unable to comfort ourselves, which feels heavy.

We see ourselves as damaged and weak.


Change is hard to accept,

From who we were to a secret we’ve kept.

Ignoring the pain protects us,

But harsh words still hurt.


We dream of greatness and then fall,

Feeling ordinary and small.

We look for help but feel used and hurt,

In the end, we’re human and confused.


Failure teaches us lessons,

We fall but then rise again.

Criticism isn’t meant to hurt, but to help,

Making things clearer for us.


Making mistakes doesn’t make you less,

Accepting yourself is important.

With each mistake and growth,

We find our inner strength.


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