pretty poetry

I dont feel like writting pretty fucking poetry

I want to wash the filth out of my tongue and on to the page and spill like cancer into the minds of all those who spy it.

Im not wishing for better days im just getting ready for more bullshit, steelng myself in the art of war in the persuit of fine.

The dog eared nemoirs replayed over and over again.

Write me something beautiful and i will, beautifully cruel and dark

You feed the vicious vampire i lust for your blood 

Contempt and love held in one coin of two faces. 

Pretty liar, polite assasination, my obituary prematurely read.

Kiss the lips of vengence,  vile twisted lust 

Flick the tongue against the bite of the words

Fuck your pretty pages love notes pissing in the wind

i burned them with my realizations 

Cantankerous secretions razorblades knawing lips 

Release like Laughter after pain

Will you make love to me now?

Now that ive shown you the prettier side of my ugly? 


Author's Notes/Comments: 


is anyone truly unlovable? 


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