To be in love with a simple man
takes its toll on a complicated woman
He sees life's trials
She sees life's possibilites
He holds her gently Always
She maneuvers in surprising ways
He works hard for her and organises
She works hard for him and rectifies
He pleasures her heartily and strong
She delights him delicately, and soft
Then changes everything aloft ;)
He likes his love in a practical conventional form
She prefers love to be spiritual and differ from the norm
She loves colour and excitement
To be alone in her mind
He prefers social interactions
With anyone he can find.
He prefers simple pleasures and simply be
She likes to consider the minunates
Of each beauteous experience she heeds.
A further complication requires
Devout dedication without which
Would foster devastation
ending in frustration
She can sprout words that disect his soul
for his careless and harsh slights
He brings lowly common insults
and wrath for her insights
She hears him and two other worlds
and accepts he can not change
He hears himself and his own world wonders
why the hell she can't?
So what keeps these two lovers
still longing for the love in eachothers heart?
For she admires the challengr of the fact
that he is all man in every arena
Who gives himself over to to her tact.
For him its the complexity and interest she brings
helping him understand the more in-depth things
It's simply too complicated to understand
the deep connection between this woman and man
The acceptance of love in the form it is given,
And every now and then, All is forgiven when,
on magical occasions each gives each the other a love in return
that mirrors the one from each other given. <3 xx