posterior phonics

You can't hurt me with
your strange codex
I live with my own thoughts
not your opinions.
I am only responsible
for what I say not
what you understand.

Do you think that
a bunch of phonics Arranged
in aggravated syllables
and twisted Analogies
could assassinate
My good penmanship or
well formed characters?

An arrangement of syllables
That may bedazzle others
With homophones that
Vaguely resemble good copies?

You've picked the battle
And have written it into existence,
Ergo, This is the drafting of verbs
To match the nouns pronounced
In the spelling of it out.

The pastence brought the pretext
And to snap it into context
The vowels and the constanants
Of this composition is very much
In the presentense and they describe
With out excessive graphology
The sounding out of the parable's

With synonyms and antonyms
Sorted and my pseudonym's protagonist
Views meaning antagonist's texts remain
A parody of the serious intelligible lines,
That remain just an unintelligable didactic sound.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

High brow?

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