On those moments when the sorrows sink to the bottom,
When jealousies look upon another ambient glow of green,
and the wrath of the mighty ire is sated and tucked under its wing,
the marching troubled too far away to hear thier steadily ever increasing numbers thud the ground. When the blanket of forgetfulness lays upon you with a hugging warmth and the dust of peace floats gently down brushing the furrows in your forehead with holy comfort and a mothers loving devotion
These is time. Time to be still, to listen intently with every fibre of being
This is when life is understood uncomplicated. for its beautious bounties, thoughtless treasure come to the fore and we begin to remember the rapture tucked away in these golden quiet droplets over looked heavenly gifts , the stirring of the cooling wind upon a moistened lip, the gentle warm glow of the rays of a sun perfectly aligned to warm your soul and lift life from the earth, the flowers opening patiently ... To be continued