I know this is out there
But please don't read
If I wanted you to read this
I would have put "please read"
But this is not for your eyes
This is just for me.
These are my secrets
the deepest I have
it is time to finally come clean
So thank you for not reading,
You're a really trustful acquaintance
And I respect the fact you didn't
Most people would argue
its a public forum made for it
And that I bound as a user
Need to understand that
But what about the simple
act of respect? Aren't I entitled?
Aren't you able?
You know I could claim this
as a social experiment
but that would be a lie in part
Because now that I think of it
It's something I could start
But really I just want to admit
Something really profound
As an over achiever I have to say
I never feel interesting enough everyday
Or good enough to entertain
There I put it out there
It's great to feel safe
it's off my chest
But it's still ok
Cause no one will read this hey?
Because nobody read this
My secret is safe.
Sso im trusting you to
Please keep it! ;)-