So we can be the same
Bring back my level head
From the brink of insane
Set adrift on an ocean of your making
Each tear a mark of what you had forsaken
If my eyes could bleed they would
If my heart could disappear it would do no good
The dead sea is no match or sted
for the liquid crystals I've shed
The silent tears
The inside tears
Rushing waterfalls
And solitaires
And now you've come back
Some useless fool all sad sack
With nothing but a pitiful look
The one who once my world shook
And left me to die
Inside and out
I dont care for your frown
Now you cry.
Cry me a stream to flow like a river,
to pool into a sea
and sprawl into an ocean
Set your self a drift
and let your self drown
Get yourself going
I'll straighten my crown
You're a waste if my good time
My eyes are all dried up fine
and you should have known
The pain may have stayed
But my love has flown
And it was all mine
I've burned and learned
the past is where it stays
You are a can of tuna marinating in your own brine
There's plenty of other fish in the sea.