Land of gold


Love is the world I should know from the depths
Where I come from you may never know
Love was the grace upon my land
But I let it mold green around the edge
Nasty from the inside out the gold was gone
But the faith was there it just needed food from within
That bothersome soul that just didn’t care
It was soon before long that everything was gone
She put up her fist and tried to fight
But laid down every night thinking why, why, why.
Must the love forget me and the dirty past it left behind
The memories creep and crawl like the snake it is
Or was it him the one that molded the land of gold
Putting shame on the ones before him
In his place I simply stand and take all I can from this so called man
Hides behind lies and mold for everyone to see
I don’t want to break the tides that hold the mold together
I just want out of the pain and the ropes that the mold has on me.


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