Tree To Tree

From Very Personal

What should I say at this moment of introspection
Should I say I took this pen to paint a picture
of you with words or should I just sip my coffee
and remain silent

As the voice of the singer has as much beauty
as a bird flies from tree to tree
This evening envelops me with ease
For I am happy here with you

And, finally, as I probably well knew
I will not bother with words
Having let the magic of the full moon
Possess me as always
..(C)1979/1981/2012 Spiros Zafiris
..from Very Personal[1979/1981] book S2L2 is
written: as a bird flying--in
second printing; in the 1st
printing it is how it appears on top..also, in the book the poem
is untitled..

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