alone in a world full of lovers

my soul is a wasteland

a desert of pain

in the centre a single rose blooms

watered by tears

and  surrounded by thorns of loneliness 

any footprints made by happiness

 have long since been buried by the howling winds

that blow across this cursed place


once a light shone here

but like a fool

i blew it out leaving only me and the things in the dark

personal demons with names like


and every night they whisper of the things

they will do to my already tortured mind


when i walk into the land of my friends

i don a mask

with a smile painted on it

and carry a shield of laughter

to hide behind

few know my real face

or the pain i hide


sometimes an angel walks these plains

to hold my hand and speak of love and kindness

but now she too is  gone and i am left alone



to sit and watch the setting sun

 as it fades and brings forth the darkness to envelop my spirit

once more 

leaving only the ghost of a shadow

to await the new dawn

in the hope that i will hear the gentle flapping of golden wings

to bring hope and love back to me

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