Virtual Androgyny

I bite the cord, sparks implode in my skull.

White fragments litter the pavement.

Feeling ill, another sad lamnent.

Erase all the sorrows in my bitter sugar coated pill.

( taste so sweet invading my throat)

Festering, my human skin begins to bloat.

I reveal what is concealed within.

Virtual androgny,I came equipped with this body.

Both Adam and Eve,I am what I choose to be.

Stick the plug in the socket,connect with my tulip or rocket.

Media fed,the living feast on the dead.

Virtual androgny, vomit spat upon the norm.

Rip off the appendages ,blood splatter on the floor.

Wingless, the butterflie's just another putrid worm.

Metallic clink,a shutter ,a wink,we start our juices flowing.

Are minds too numb to stop and think.

Rotting coveralls, zombie sheath,our flesh falls.

our steel souls exposed,system overload,blown motherboard.

Automatic zoom in lense,taste the holy water to burn,
to scar, to clense.

Crucifixion, drill holes in my skull.

Feed on the fear that I endear.

Release your hungry fingers.

Your shark-tooth rotation, hell bent on my abolination.

Robotic meltdown I'll fade to black,coma stance.

You walk on by ,another day,to fuck an household appliance.

Electrons flourish,I'll give birth like teenage pregnant mothers.

Who walked the streets,now seeking child support from
one too many dead beat lovers.

I sprout new mechanical struts, I remobilize.

New android seeks a new-blood persona.

a corspe a skin doner.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by marilyn manson's Mecanical Animals

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