
Chaos at hand.
Land of the fake.
Sugar glazed!
Now I bake!
Gum drop whores.
Chocolate tiled floors.
Fear or explore!
Gingerbread ghettos.
Black licorice stilletos.
That strawberry girl.
When she feels pressured, she has to hurl!
Her vomit, as sweet as honey!
Paid for her confection ass.
One night stand.
Caramel sticky hands!
Waffer money,skittles,and chocolate
scattered about the floor.
She stands up.
This candy corn slut!
She walks out the door.
Escapes this bitter sweet rut.
She want's to be loved.
But she sells herself,
for the candy she is made of.
She is what she is paid for!
She's fake she's hollow!
She's sugar and spice!
Poison and lice!
She's cracked.
Like a broken piece of peanut brittle.
She's outside.
Breathes in the pixie stick scented air.
She lets one shame ridden finger,
caress her twizzler hair!
She is a Tootsie pop whore.
How many licks would it take?
She is paid for her love,
Yet she knows that love is fake!
Who wants something real.
Something not synthectic!
She wants to be a real human being!
She wants to escape the nightmare and
live the dream!
brains, blood and bone she is not.
Her sickly sweet body cause your teeth to rot!
Though it may sound sweet.
Like a forbidden treat.
Lift up the sheet!
Candyland isn't as perfect, as we tink it sould be.
There's problems and hurts souls,
in every real or make-believe city!

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