After tonight....
I once thought it was gone
how I was so foolish
I don't know
They had stopped for awhile
the dreams, apparently on pause
to return to me
when least expected
what is it that triggers them
How to explain to those that don't know
I'm not sure...
it's detailed, it's scary
it makes it hard to speak
the concentration required to not freak
it's intense the control required
to keep ones brain at bay
to control your thoughts
to stop the never ending fear
to stop the racing heart beats
some things fall by the wayside
when one has to concentrate so hard
the forming of words
the remembering to breath
just keeping it together
because it can't stop for a moment
nothing is more precious than that control
after tonight, will it be ok
can I let it go even just a little
I'm not sure, but perhaps
there is something out there worth trying for
something that will make you say after tonight
it will all be all right.
nothing will be the same
the dreams will go
it will be safe to close my eyes.
the world will feel right
dropping my guard will be allowed
what a relief that will be...
After tonight all will be well...