
s it Time.....

There is always that feeling it's odd

it's a combination of dread of excitement of so many things

The lists are made, the thoughts continue to torture

the what if's begin, the self pep talks start

quit being a wimp it's a neccesity

Then you suck it up and you do it

and well it works out or it doesn't

but there is one thing that is certain

it forever changes who you are and what you will be

We go through life resisting change, and no matter how hard we try

it always happens

there is no end to the getting older and gaining more experience

Now what we choose to do with it that's different

Can it develop us into a positive person

Or make us bitter and negative

The smallest things often make the biggest difference

Who knew that stranger on the street smiling at you

Could just be the one that saves your life..

Or the people who's experiences make you that much more grateful for yours

How does one decide when they should accept the challenge of change or not

I say go with your heart, hope it works out and if not always remember

It all happens for a reason and you are loved the way you are.

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