Eyes made of hydrocodone.

Bad poetry

i. lines to end a poem with

The light still running from the room.

only fish within

where my father was.

the smell of seaweed still creeping up.

ii. confessions

I never got over Jolley, completely. And I know when you read this you’ll be angry, or slightly angry. It’s a good thing you didn’t know her. I miss Annie too and wish the three of us would lay together again. Both your hands close about throat the way a word closes on itself the more it is read aloud. I don’t have much commitment to making sense anymore. I wish more and more to live a sexless life. I just want to lay an egg.

I am not a stupid person

I just don’t know who to answer to.

iii. the color yellow dripping down

c trine
i rutila ed uartz

my first carq

my b k teet

ac headaches all the time

all of the white in this apartment

iiii. lines to begin a poem with



with you on my mind


starting from the doorway

love is like

a large sinkhole below the lawn

what’s been swallowing us up

there is so much time

iiiii. what i want

sparkles like beer inside it’s shell by dim light

to be thought of as something different

than what I am

I don’t want to be an animal any longer

but I want the poetry to stop.

iiiiii. sober

is the worst outcome. Every streaking skin

of minutia of

the hole we’re in

shivers when the world doesn’t. I just like feeling like

something else is alive.

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