Sailing through a midnight harbor
On the eve of New Year’s Eve
I let myself off on the shore
Looking for Sydney, Australia
Standing next to the ocean
I was a dwarf
With a giant sleeping next to me
It’s breath being pulled in by the blue tides
Darkened by this hellish night of loneliness
The salt burned in my nose
As I cried out in vain,
“God, why do you leave me here
Living this life in shame?”
The sand beneath my feet
Burned like hot coals
From the day’s burning sun
As I used my toe as a pencil
To write you love songs on my only canvas
Before God rose in the next few dark hours
To extinguish my joy.
The night crashed headlong
Deep into my soul
As I leapt deep into a taxi
To see Ozzy
Stuttering next to me
About how he looks like ballerina
In his newest concert show outfit.
August 2003