The person who I was,

Is lost in the sands of time,

Buried beneath grief and hate,

The victim of unpunishable crime.


Optimistic once upon a time,

The clouds of doubt soon gathered,

Darkening my childhood,

My hopes and dreams became shattered.


True happiness and comfort,

The time age forgot,

Now suffering is almost all i know,

My hope laid to rot.


I truly have no future,

A past clouded by pain,

My existence is suffering,

Tears like acid rain.


Grasping at brittle gossamer threads,

They snap as though not there,

A tease to torture my fractured soul,

As I sink deeper into despair.


There is a dark pit below me,

An all consuming black,

Inviting me to it's suffocating embrace,

From which there is no turning back.


My strength has its limits,

I've suffered more than you know,

With no more point to my existence,

I close my eyes and finally let go.

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