To us intoxicated lovers glance our way, more than this; To Winehouse door show the pathway, more than this. Thank You for the grace that flows to use form Your lip, It's wonderful, but give a little more I say: more than this. To that One Who simplifies this crazy mixed-up world, Say: 'Make explanation in a subtle way, more than this'. How can I not lay my heart at such beautiful young feet? Time never birthed beauty on any day, more than this. The critic said to me: 'Besides grief, what is from love?' 'Wise sir,' I said, 'it has meaning today, more than this.' 'Take up the cup' I say, 'drink away and kiss the lip;' For my soul, answer none could say, more than this. The reed of Hafiz's pen is a sweet branch of sugarcane; Take it, in garden no fruit is a higher pay, more than this. |