The Beautiful Birth by Lucia de Gante and Sofia Zea



There was a time where darkness reined the universe and there was no light. The Gods were upset and needed something to offset, so they became curious and started to think about what they could create. Since everything was dark, lonely and cold they discovered the power of light and used it to create bright and shiny stars. The stars were very brilliant but after a while they felt they needed something else since light was not enough.  After discussing for a while, they all agreed to bear children. After, they gave birth to eight progenies, but the Gods preferred the youngest. They called it Earth. On it’s first birthday, the decided to make something special for him, so they prepared various gifts.

One God gave him water, soil and land. Another one continued to garnish the land with plants, flowers and grass. The third gave him animals, sea animals; land animals, big and small, all kinds of animals.


All of these gifts made Earth really happy and joyous but after some time he felt like if something was missing. His father noticed it and told him that he still had one more gift for him; one that was very unique and distinct from the other offerings.  The special gift was a peculiar creature that was able to reason and think by itself. He called these creatures humans.


Earth was thankful with all of his gifts, but especially with his father. He knew he had now a big responsibility, which was to teach his new habitant how to coexist.

At first it was a very easy task to do, but as humans started to multiply excessively, Earth did not know what to do. Humans started to destroy the other gifts that Earth had. They had killed many animals; they cut all of the trees and the flowers wilt, let the water run and the soil dry.


 Earth was very disappointed because he felt he did not teach them right, so he asked for help to his father. His father told him that he had to take manners into his own hands to teach him to be more responsible. Earth was desperate so he seeks his predecessor the Sun for good advice. The Sun told Earth not to worry, since he would help him, he came up with the idea of teaching humanity a lesson. He would come very near to visit Earth and by this, the essentials needed by humans started to disappear. Humans knew then that they had to do some thing about it, so they started to take better care of Earth´s gifts, which they discovered that they were theirs too.


Humans apologized to Earth after all of he had suffered because of them, and promised that they would never do such things again. Along with the apologies they created a present for Earth, they came up with a rainbow as a symbol of harmony and responsible coexistence.

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