
the pain is to much,
the pain is to great,
i thought we would be happy,
i thought we would last,
my star you were,
my star u will remain,
i was so blind,
i was so deaf,
i failed myself,
i failed you,
i tried to hard,
i didn't try hard enough,
i wanted to give you it all,
i wanted to help you shine,
i never gave you it all,
i never helped you shine,
now is your chance to have it all,
now is your chance to shine,
in my heart you will always be,
in my memories you will remain,
i wish things would have stayed as they were,
i wish thing could be repaired,
things will always change,
things cant be repaired,
what happened cant be undone,
what should have happened we should not dwell,
what went wrong we should not obsess,
the end has come for what was,
a new beginning has just began,
the end of what we had,
the beginning of what we will have,
our bond is now gone,
our bond will remain,
as lovers we are done,
as friends we remain,
forgiveness i request of you,
forgiveness i give to you,
your friendship i request of you,
my friendship i give to you,
a friendship that will not fade,
a friendship that will last,
a connection that was,
a connection that is,
the end of two lovers,
the start of two friends,
i offer you my friendly hand,
my hand you can deny,
the tears will stop,
the tears will remain,
a bond that may return,
a bond that may never again be,
your friendship is all i seek,
your company is all i desire,
please stand before me as my friend,
for now and forever.

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